life insurance innovation

How to Benefit From Modern Life Insurance Innovation

Life insurance innovation is just like innovation in every other aspect of our lives. It’s a new technology, a new financial weapon system, that’s been developed in recent decades. People haven’t been able to figure out how to employ it, especially the financial professionals, because it’s a “bringing your new toys to an old fight” type of approach. But I believe that in the coming decades this new approach is going to become more and more common because of the way the financial system is going to play out and the amount of true risk involved with people’s money―whether it’s the risk of a stock market crash, the risk of taxes going up, the risk of getting sued, the risk of losing jobs, or the risk of just plain not having liquid assets in the right places. 

We’ve got crazy amounts of government debt. The coronavirus has caused disruption in the stock market and the economy. In February, the stock market took its worst dive since 2008. There has been a storm of protests, riots, looting, and general civil unrest that is still unfolding. All of these problems are fueled at some level by the Internet. There’s a lot of risk out there right now, yet the way the average financial professional currently approaches mitigating those risks is simply no different than what they were doing before the Internet was invented.

The world is different now, and our risks are too.

I wrote this article to introduce this new financial technology and the way it was developed. To set that up, let’s take a look at the three main aspects of the financial industry,

First, there’s the investment world. Think Wall Street. In one way or another, the entire investment world is tied to owning stock in a company or an asset like gold, or cash, or something like that. Transactions take place through a market. That’s what the stock market is. 

Next, there’s the real estate market, which is made up of people who own their own homes or who own investment properties or commercial real estate. There’s a whole different world going on over there that caused the financial crisis of 2008. We had over-extended sub-prime mortgages and builders building like crazy and overinflating the market The same thing happened with the bubble around 1999/2000.

Finally, there’s the financial industry that people seem to forget about: the insurance industry. Other than technically defining credit default swaps, most insurance really has nothing to do with the shenanigans going on on Wall Street. The innovation in the life insurance industry isn’t happening on Wall Street. They don’t get tied up in flashy things like real estate. They don’t do Super Bowl ads. They don’t take major risks. They hang out in places like Des Moines, Iowa or Sioux Falls, South Dakota. 

It is a fact that in our economy, prices can and will inflate and people can get overextended. But for decades and decades, over 100 years, the insurance companies have been making very, very smart plays with money. And while the investment banks such as Lehman Brothers were either crashing or getting bailed out; and while the real estate market shocked everybody and crashed; if anything, the insurance companies have been growing, especially the smaller firms that are being more flexible with how they distribute their value and thinking beyond the old school model of how to sell insurance. In this part of the financial industry, there’s innovation going on.

Sure, there’s always innovation going on in the investment world; there’s always a guy who thinks he can beat the market. But when it comes to mitigating real risks, the risks I mentioned above, the insurance companies are your best bet, hands down. They haven’t been flashy. They’ve figured out some nice ways to structure and leverage insurance similar to the way you’d leverage real estate. Though they never were before, their vehicles are now available to the average American, and not only can these vehicles help you mitigate risk, they offer a heck of a lot of nice little bonuses that add up.

What we want to do is help these insurance companies do what they really suck at. They’re not good at branding and marketing themselves. They still think they’re basically death insurance, when really, they’re smart people who understand numbers and the tax code. They’re trying to develop ways to grow their business, and that’s smart, but they don’t know how to tie together all that they have to offer so that it can really change somebody’s life. But we know that story, and we know how it works in the military and veteran community. 

So what kinds of people are good candidates for using life insurance innovation to take control of their finances? Who is this solution for?

A better question is who is life insurance innovation not for? It’s only for those who really want to say, “Listen, I’ve got myself into a pretty good position. I’m a servant in the military. I make pretty good money, and I have a lot of benefits and bonuses that I can use and leverage. I want to know how to do it. And I want to position myself not just to get a job when I get out of the military, but to maybe grow some wealth and influence so that one day I will be able to give back more.” 

For a person with this kind of mindset, the insurance vehicles we are talking about become a very intriguing type of approach. So we’ve kind of noticed that it’s really only for about 10%. For the other 90%, I recommend following the standard Dave Ramsey type approach, which will set them up for good success and probably significant asset growth. 

But for those who really want to leverage their potential, we want to share my story. I’ve been in this industry for 10 years. I’ve been innovating not just in the financial services world, but in the online marketing and job creation space. And I realize how these things can tie together. When you start operating as your own individual business entity, whether or not you’re an entrepreneur, you’re still a contractor.

I mean, even if you get a job, you’re spending your time for money. So you might as well get similar benefits to an entrepreneur in regards to the tax system, and how you leverage your money, and how you want to use the banks, and all that kind of stuff.

Well, that’s all hard to set up and do. But what if there was a way to get all the same benefits that a business owner gets with regards to protecting your assets from litigation; having some sort of investment growth vehicle; having a way to generate revenue; having a way to build equity; having a way to leave a legacy; all of it tax-free and available for you to leverage like a bank in any way you see fit?

These insurance vehicles are the only way to get the same advantages out of the system that a small business owner does. We call it a private pension insurance account. It liberates you to make your own choices with your money. You’re not stuck with regards to how much you’re allowed to contribute based on your age, or when you’re allowed to withdraw money, or for what purposes you’re allowed to use it. 

With a private pension account, you have flexibility and control over your own resources, your own potential, and your own life, which makes sense because that’s what you are insuring―you’re insuring the income-producing potential of your life. It’s not about death. Yes, If you die, somebody wins the lottery. But that’s just an extra bonus. You’re not dead yet. So let’s learn how to position your money in a way that YOU can use it.

But you can’t make the determination of whether or not this solution is right for you if you don’t know that it exists, and you don’t understand how it works. So we’re here to inform you of your options, and develop improvements on the strategy as we get more feedback. We want to get very intentional with it.

The life insurance industry is ripe for innovation, and that’s where you come in. If you’re a military retiree looking for ways to make your money work harder for you, then consider scheduling a consultation with our team today. We can help you find the right life insurance policy to meet your needs and give you the peace of mind that comes with knowing your family is taken care of financially if something happens to you.

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